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Martin Meyer
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Bounded polymorphism problem

Unread post by Martin Meyer »

Hello Thomas,

please check this code in 32bit mode (in build 1002):

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domains     dictionary{Key} = leaf(Key).   class predicates     doNothing : (dictionary{Key} Dict) -> dictionary{Key} NewDict         where Key supports unsigned64. clauses     doNothing(leaf(K)) = doNothing_1(K).   class predicates     doNothing_1 : (Key) -> dictionary{Key} Dict         where Key supports unsigned64. clauses     doNothing_1(K) = leaf(K).   %====== clauses     run() :-         Dict_0 = leaf(0),         stdIo::write("1> ", Dict_0, "\n"),         Dict_1 = doNothing(Dict_0),         stdIo::write("2> ", Dict_1, "\n").
It outputs:

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1> leaf(0) 2> leaf(5396940)
Regards Martin
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Thomas Linder Puls
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Re: Bounded polymorphism problem

Unread post by Thomas Linder Puls »

I see the problem too. We will investigate it.

By the way this is a simpler example:

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class predicates     doNothing : (dictionary{Key} Dict) -> dictionary{Key} NewDict         where Key supports unsigned64. clauses     doNothing(leaf(K)) = leaf(K + 1).
(And more relevant because it actually uses the boundary for something).
Regards Thomas Linder Puls
Martin Meyer
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Re: Bounded polymorphism problem

Unread post by Martin Meyer »

The code below crashes in 64bit mode. The somewhat longer example is an excerpt from a radix set class for keys which support type positive. I suppose the problem stems from same origin as in the before 32bit example:

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    open math, core   domains     dictionary{Key} =         empty;         leaf(Key Key);         branch(unsigned Prefix, unsigned BranchingBit, dictionary{Key} Left, dictionary{Key} Right).   class predicates     insert : (dictionary{Key} Dictionary_0, Key Key) -> dictionary{Key} Dictionary         where Key supports positive.   class predicates     isMember : (Key Key, dictionary{Key} Dictionary) determ         where Key supports positive.   %--- class predicates     branchingBit : (unsigned PrefixA, unsigned BrBitA, unsigned PrefixB, unsigned BrBitB) -> unsigned BrBit. clauses     branchingBit(Pa, Ba, Pb, Bb) = highestBit(Pa ^^ Pb, max(1, 2 * max(Ba, Bb))).   class predicates     matchPrefix : (unsigned KeyU, unsigned Prefix, unsigned BrBit) determ. clauses     matchPrefix(K, P, B) :-         mask(K, B) = P.   class predicates     mask : (unsigned KeyU, unsigned Mask) -> unsigned MaskedKey. clauses     mask(K, M) = (K ++ M - 1) ** ~~M.   class predicates     highestBit : (unsigned Prefix, unsigned BrBit) -> unsigned BrBit. clauses     highestBit(P, B) = getHighBitMask32(PN) :-         PN = P ** ~~(B - 1).   class predicates     getHighBitMask32 : (unsigned X) -> unsigned Mask. clauses     getHighBitMask32(X) = X_6 ** ~~(X_6 >> 1) :-         X_1 = X ++ X >> 1,         X_2 = X_1 ++ X_1 >> 1,         X_3 = X_2 ++ X_2 >> 2,         X_4 = X_3 ++ X_3 >> 4,         X_5 = X_4 ++ X_4 >> 8,         X_6 = X_5 ++ X_5 >> 16.   class predicates     join : (unsigned Pr1, unsigned BrBit1, dictionary{Key} T1, unsigned Pr2, unsigned BrBit2, dictionary{Key} T2) -> dictionary{Key} T1_join_T2         where Key supports positive. clauses     join(P1, B1, T1, P2, B2, T2) = Dict :-         BrBit = branchingBit(P1, B1, P2, B2),         Dict = if P1 ** BrBit = 0 then branch(mask(P1, BrBit), BrBit, T1, T2) else branch(mask(P1, BrBit), BrBit, T2, T1) end if.   clauses     insert(empty, K) = leaf(K).       insert(leaf(Ky), Kx) = Dict :-         KxPo = convert(positive, Kx),         KyPo = convert(positive, Ky),         if KyPo = KxPo then             Dict = leaf(Kx)         else             Dict = join(uncheckedConvert(unsigned, KxPo), 0, leaf(Kx), uncheckedConvert(unsigned, KyPo), 0, leaf(Ky))         end if.       insert(branch(Pr, BrBit, Left, Right), K) = Dict :-         KPo = convert(positive, K),         if matchPrefix(uncheckedConvert(unsigned, KPo), Pr, BrBit) then             if uncheckedConvert(unsigned, KPo) ** BrBit = 0 then                 Dict = branch(Pr, BrBit, insert(Left, K), Right)             else                 Dict = branch(Pr, BrBit, Left, insert(Right, K))             end if         else             Dict = join(uncheckedConvert(unsigned, KPo), 0, leaf(K), Pr, BrBit, branch(Pr, BrBit, Left, Right))         end if.   clauses     isMember(K, leaf(K)).       isMember(K, branch(P, _BrBit, Left, _Right)) :-         uncheckedConvert(unsigned, K) <= P,         !,         isMember(K, Left).       isMember(K, branch(_P, _BrBit, _Left, Right)) :-         isMember(K, Right).   %====== clauses     run() :-         Set0 = insert(empty, 0),         Set1 = insert(Set0, 1),         if isMember(2, Set1) then             stdIo::write("yes")         else             stdIo::write("no")         end if.
Regards Martin
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Thomas Linder Puls
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Re: Bounded polymorphism problem

Unread post by Thomas Linder Puls »

Thank you, we will also look at that. It looks related, but the first problem is concerned with different representation of unsigned and unsigned64 in a functor on 32 bit. Such a difference is not involved here.
Regards Thomas Linder Puls
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