Discussions related to Visual Prolog
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Web Hosting Provider

Unread post by rasvprolog »

I contacted my web hosting provider and inquired if Visual Prolog .exe files can be uploaded and run on their site. I remember several years ago web hosting providers used to install Windows extension and running FrontPage/CGI applications was not a problem. The following was their response:

"1- Uploading the file is no problem, but executing a Windows .exe is not going to work on Linux. From what I read, Visual Prolog is Windows only.

2-The other issue is that if it can be entirely user installed (i.e. uploading the files to your site and using them) then it should be no problem. I am not certain this is the case, as it appears to be a complex system, but it cannot hurt to look."

Does anyone shed some light on items 1 or 2. Thank you in advance.

Best regards,
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Thomas Linder Puls
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Re: Web Hosting Provider

Unread post by Thomas Linder Puls »

Regarding 1. Visual Prolog is only for Windows.

Your program may run under WINE or you may be able to run it as for example a docker container.

Perhaps it is simpler to find a provider that offers a Windows environment.

Regarding 2. I think it says that is should be runnable without requiring any global upgrades/installations on the computer. A Visual Prolog program in itself does not require any global installations, it is simply a program that will run from any directory (provided the runtime DLLs are also in that directory).
Regards Thomas Linder Puls
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Re: Web Hosting Provider

Unread post by rasvprolog »

Thank you Thomas.
In regards to your following comment:

2-A Visual Prolog program in itself does not require any global installations, it is simply a program that will run from any directory (provided the runtime DLLs are also in that directory).

To make sure if I understand correctly, when you refer to a "Visual Prolog Program" you mean if the executable form of the program (xxxx.exe) along with the runtime DLLs are uploaded to the same directory of the webhosting site, it will run without any other requirement? Does it still need to be Windows environment?

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Thomas Linder Puls
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Re: Web Hosting Provider

Unread post by Thomas Linder Puls »

Yes, it will only run on Windows.

If you use an SQL database then such one must be present, and likewise for other external stuff then there it only requires Windows itself.

However, on a web provider your program will have to be web in some way,...
Regards Thomas Linder Puls
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Re: Web Hosting Provider

Unread post by rasvprolog »

Thanks so much.
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Re: Web Hosting Provider

Unread post by vjoer »


I am also looking for hosting with Cgi-bin exe to setup my cgi VIP application but I cant find.

Please let me know when you find a solution.

Thank you
Viorel Farcas
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Re: Web Hosting Provider

Unread post by rasvprolog »

In response to your question, unfortunately my provider uses Linux machine. For me the best option is to change my provider that offer Windows environment. So far no luck.

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Thomas Linder Puls
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Re: Web Hosting Provider

Unread post by Thomas Linder Puls »

Perhaps "Windows VPS hosting" (Virtual Private Server) can do the job.

But then you should (to some extend, depending on the deal) be prepared to install and configure stuff yourself. In that context you should consider whether the VPS will need a SSL certificate (such one has a price).
Regards Thomas Linder Puls
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Re: Web Hosting Provider

Unread post by rasvprolog »

Thank you, we are reviewing different options. Since the users will be mostly member of the medical community, as you mentioned the security and integrity of the site is crucial. Therefore we might settle just for non-web applications.

Best regards
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