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Create User Control

Unread post by Eftychios »


I'm trying to make a minesweeper and i would like to ask you if I can create a new user control (Button in my case) with specific properties.

So on load form i'll be able to use a recursive function to print 81 buttons instead of add 81 buttons.

Is there a way to make this ??

Kind regards
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Thomas Linder Puls
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Unread post by Thomas Linder Puls »

I am not quite sure what it is you want (in several ways).

  • Should the control act as 1 button?
  • Or should it be a 81 button control?
  • Do you want to rely on the standard button?
  • Or do you want to do the drawing and mouse handling yourself?
Regards Thomas Linder Puls
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Unread post by Eftychios »

Hello, thank you for the response.

Actually i'm working on it in other way, what i want to make is a form with 81 buttons in a form (9 rows and 9 columns).
What i want to do is:

1) To give to each button coordinates, for example 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 ... 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
so when i want to get the value of button in position 1.1 to have a function like value(X,Y)
The question here is how can i add that kind of label(cooordinates(X,Y)) for a button ???

What i want to achieve with this is that when i press a button with coordinates 3.3 to check all it's neighbours.

For example, neigbours of 3.3 = 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3.2, 3.4, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4.

2) The second question is if there is any random function in Visual Prolog ?? Because i want everytime to have random position for the mines (which will be in the buttons propably as a label)

Thank you in advance for your help
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Thomas Linder Puls
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Unread post by Thomas Linder Puls »

OK, now it is getting clearer.

I think you could make a faily good minesweeper look and feel if you draw the board with all the numbers and mines, and then place buttons on the top.

When the user presses a button you will simply destroy the button and do the relevant action (which may include updating the board drawing to indicate a lost game).

Alternatively, you can replace pressed buttons with an image (of fields with nothing/a number/a mine/...), using image control.

Anyways, to place the buttons you can use code like this (in a form):

Code: Select all

constants     columns = 9.     rows = 9.     size = 10. clauses     new(Parent):-         formWindow::new(Parent),         generatedInitialize(),         foreach Row = std::cIterate(rows), Column = std::cIterate(columns) do             Button = button::new(This),             placeInGrid(Button, Row, Column),             Button:setClickResponder({ = button::noAction :- onClick(Button, Row, Column) })         end foreach.   predicates     onClick : (button Button, positive Row, positive Column). clauses     onClick(Button, Row, Column) :-         Button:destroy(),         Text = textControl::new(This),         placeInGrid(Text, Row, Column),         Text:setAlignment(vpiDomains::alignCenter),         Text:setText("x"),         Text:show(),         stdio::writef("(%, %)\n", Row, Column).   predicates     placeInGrid : (control Control, positive Row, positive Column). clauses     placeInGrid(Control, Row, Column) :-         Control:setPosition(Column*size, Row*size),         Control:setSize(size, size).
Regards Thomas Linder Puls
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Thomas Linder Puls
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Unread post by Thomas Linder Puls »

Here is a slightly updated version, that stores the buttons in a map, so that they can also be removed without being clicked (for example to reveal the solution in the end):

Code: Select all

facts     buttons : mapM{tuple{positive Row, positive Column}, button Button} := mapM_redBlack::new().   constants     columns = 9.     rows = 9.     size = 10. clauses     new(Parent):-         formWindow::new(Parent),         generatedInitialize(),         foreach Row = std::cIterate(rows), Column = std::cIterate(columns) do             Button = button::new(This),             placeInGrid(Button, Row, Column),             Button:setClickResponder({ = button::noAction :- onClick(Row, Column) }),             buttons:set(tuple(Row, Column), Button)         end foreach.   predicates     onClick : (positive Row, positive Column). clauses     onClick(Row, Column) :-         Field = tuple(Row, Column),         Button = buttons:get(Field),         buttons:removeKey(Field),         Button:destroy(),         Text = textControl::new(This),         placeInGrid(Text, Row, Column),         Text:setAlignment(vpiDomains::alignCenter),         Text:setText("x"),         Text:show(),         stdio::writef("(%, %)\n", Row, Column).   predicates     placeInGrid : (control Control, positive Row, positive Column). clauses     placeInGrid(Control, Row, Column) :-         Control:setPosition(Column*size, Row*size),         Control:setSize(size, size).
Regards Thomas Linder Puls
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Unread post by Eftychios »

Thank you very much for your help, your time and the great communication.

I'll try the solutions you proposed.

Again cheers.
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Unread post by Eftychios »

Hello again,

I have tried this with the followin way but seems that i miss something.

1) I have created a new project. I have added a new in package -> Form

2) then task menu -> unchecked F7 disabled

3) then id_file_new -> onFileNew add

4) clauses
onFileNew(_Source, _MenuTag):-
_= mines::display(This).
so i can displa the form

and then I inserted the proposed code in my project and i get the following error:
"undeclared predicate, propert or fact 'new/1'"

Till step 4 this is the right way to follow ??? I have to make new window form and then insert the code for the button creation?
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Thomas Linder Puls
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Unread post by Thomas Linder Puls »

It sounds correct a form should have a constructor, new, with a Parent argument.
Regards Thomas Linder Puls
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Unread post by Eftychios »

Last edited by Eftychios on 27 Apr 2014 9:31, edited 1 time in total.
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Thomas Linder Puls
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Unread post by Thomas Linder Puls »

The code should go into your form not into the taskWindow.
Regards Thomas Linder Puls
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Unread post by Eftychios »

Thank you very much ...

Works like a charm now.

Thanks also for the imediate replies.

You were very helpful.

Kind Regards
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Unread post by Eftychios »

Dear Thomas i have made a very nice program with your help.

At clause new(Parent) i have placed the for each loop to create buttons at rows and columns.

I have added to my window form 2 textboxes (for rows and col) and 1 button.

1) i want when i press the button to clear the form from the existing buttons

2) and then call the new(Parent) where i have the for each loop that creates the buttons

I have copied the for each loop into the onclick clause but nothing happened when i pressed the button
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Unread post by Snejanna »

I want to create the same game on prolog and have faced a problem.
In your code there is:

Code: Select all

Button:setClickResponder({ = button::noAction :- onClick(Row, Column) }),
but how can I make a responder for right mouse click?
Thank you.
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Thomas Linder Puls
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Unread post by Thomas Linder Puls »

Standard buttons does not have a behavior on right-mouse clicks.

But you can add mouse a mouse listener:

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Simple code looks like this:

Code: Select all

predicates     onButtonMouseDown : window::mouseDownListener. clauses     onButtonMouseDown(_Source, Point, ShiftControlAlt, Button) :-         stdio::writef("Point = %, ShiftControlAlt = %, Button = %\n", Point, ShiftControlAlt, Button).
Regards Thomas Linder Puls
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Unread post by Snejanna »

Thank you very much!
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