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Ferenc Nagy
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Successful upgrade from 7.3 to 7.4

Unread post by Ferenc Nagy »

Gentle Advisors,
I have upgraded my project to be published from 7.3 to 7.4 within 2 days.
I have been able to recompile and rebuild it with small changes.

1) The exception:description has changed. I am glad to see the new programPoint structure

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sourceCursor(                 NameOfSourceFile,                 LineNumberOfSourceFile,             ColumnOfLineOfSourceFile))
2) The new version has introduced some new gui_Native domains like lParam, wParam and others.
They appear in some process and event handling procedures where te version uses integer subtypes.
I have been able to overcome the compiler errors by uncheckedConvert calls.
7.3 original

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Destroy = gui_Native::postMessage(Hwnd,gui_Native::wm_close,0,0),

Compiled in 7.4

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Destroy = gui_Native::postMessage(Hwnd,gui_Native::wm_close,uncheckedConvert(gui_Native::wParam,0),uncheckedConvert(gui_Native::lParam,0)),


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DM_Code=toTerm(integer,DM_Str),                 stdio::writef("Draw mode will be %-15.15s = %2d that is %.",DM_Symbol,DM_Code, Explanation),                 TestWindow=vpi::winCreate(w_TopLevel,rct(0,0,240,240),Explained_Draw_Mode,noMenu,getTaskWindow(),                     plainFigure::plain_flags,                 testWindowHandler,uncheckedConvert(gui_Native::lParam,DM_Code)),
Is this workaround safe? If not, please recommend me a better one.
Anyway, how can I define a variable or constant having domain gui_Native::wParam or lparam and value=1?
TIA, Regards,
Frank Nagy
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Thomas Linder Puls
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Unread post by Thomas Linder Puls »

wParam and lParam are introduced to make programs compile correctly to both 32 bit and 64 bit.

There is a little problem because one of the domains is signed and the other is unsigned. You should read the Visual Prolog 7.4 Upgrade Notes.
Regards Thomas Linder Puls
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Ferenc Nagy
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Lparam & Co in Upgrade notes

Unread post by Ferenc Nagy »

Thomas Linder Puls wrote:wParam and lParam are introduced to make programs compile correctly to both 32 bit and 64 bit.

There is a little problem because one of the domains is signed and the other is unsigned. You should read the Visual Prolog 7.4 Upgrade Notes.
Thank you, Thomas.
For future readers:
The place dealing my lParam problem in the Upgrade Notes is http://wiki.visual-prolog.com/index.php ... 26_lResult
I'll continue with the applied conversion functions and constant as soon as their insertions shall have been compiled.

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predicates     mkW : (integer Integer) -> wParam WParam. [snip] constants     wNull : wParam = uncheckedConvert(wParam, nullHandle).
TIA, Regards,
Frank Nagy
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Ferenc Nagy
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Unsigned Native

Unread post by Ferenc Nagy »

Here are some lines using the gui_api:mk? conversion predicates.

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testWindowHandler(H, e_Create(_)) = gui_api::mkR(0) /* uncheckedConvert(gui_Native::lResult,0) */ testWindowHandler(H, e_Update(_Update_Rect)) = gui_api::mkR(3) :- ...     testWindowHandler(H,e_CloseRequest())=gui_api::mkR(0) :-        ... testWindowHandler(_Handler, _Event) = gui_api::mkR(0).  testWindowHandler,gui_api::mkL(DM_Code)), % MkL used according to upgrade notes.        Destroy =gui_Native::postMessage(Hwnd,gui_Native::wm_close,gui_api::mkW(0),gui_api::mkL(0)),   
The following correction shows keyword search tab of the chm help file. The 7.3 version used unchecked conversion to integer domain.. The 7.4 version uses unchecked conversion to unsignedNative domain.

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predicates      % Keyword search.      keywordSearch:(string Key) procedure. clauses % Keyword search.     keywordSearch(Key) :-         _=toBoolean(storeExplainingExpression(Key)), /* Old version: htmlHelp::invoke(vpi::getTaskWindow(), fullFileName, htmlHelp::hh_display_index , uncheckedConvert(integer, Key)), New version: uncheckedConvert(unsignedNative, Key) */         % 2014.02.07. Conversion with "+0" to unsignedNative.         htmlHelp::invoke(vpi::getTaskWindow(), fullFileName, htmlHelp::hh_display_index , uncheckedConvert(unsignedNative, Key)),         succeed().
The above procedure works.
Is unsignedNative a built-in domain? If it is not where is it defined?
Is the pointer to the string Key passed as the last parameter of htmlHelp::invoke?
TIA, Regards,
Frank Nagy
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Thomas Linder Puls
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Unread post by Thomas Linder Puls »

From top and down.

Notice that there are constants for very common wParam, lParam and lResult values.

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testWindowHandler(H, e_Create(_)) = gui_api::rNull
It is a little more efficient than calling a predicate, but the difference it neglectible, so it is mainly a matter of taste whether to use one or the other.

Yes, unsignedNative is a built in domain. It is a 32 bit unsigned on the 32 bit platform and a 64 bit unsigned on the 64 bit platform.

If pointers have to be transformed into a number (which it have in many API calls) it is very important that the number has sufficient number of bits. This is why wParam, lParam and lResult are necessary. And this is also the reason that the Key (which is a pointer to the characters) must be converted into an unsignedNative.

So the last parameter to htmlHelp::invoke is not a pointer to the string Key, it it is the string Key (which is itself a pointer) seen as an unsigned number (of sufficient size).
Regards Thomas Linder Puls
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