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Steve Lympany
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Rotated text?

Unread post by Steve Lympany »

How can text be drawn at any particular angle?
Chan Bok
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Unread post by Chan Bok »

The LOGFONT structure has a lfOrientation field:

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typedef struct tagLOGFONT {   LONG lfHeight;   LONG lfWidth;   LONG lfEscapement;   LONG lfOrientation;   LONG lfWeight;   BYTE lfItalic;   BYTE lfUnderline;   BYTE lfStrikeOut;   BYTE lfCharSet;   BYTE lfOutPrecision;   BYTE lfClipPrecision;   BYTE lfQuality;   BYTE lfPitchAndFamily;   TCHAR lfFaceName[LF_FACESIZE]; } LOGFONT, *PLOGFONT;

Chan Bok
Axon Research
Kari Rastas
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Unread post by Kari Rastas »

Addition to Chan Bok's advice

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        FONT = vpi::fontCreate(ff_helvetica,List,FontSize),         binary::setIndexed_unsigned(Font,2,10*(Angle)),         binary::setIndexed_unsigned(Font,3,10*(Angle)),         .......
Chan Bok
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Unread post by Chan Bok »

Yes, it is the Escapement that determines the rotation.
The Orientation can be set to 0.
Steve Lympany
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Unread post by Steve Lympany »

Very good, thanks.
I think it would be good to put this in the wiki...
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Ferenc Nagy
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What does Orientation do in the logFont structure?

Unread post by Ferenc Nagy »

OK, I have commented out the stepping with the Orientation variable.
The results were good only by changing the Escapement.
What is the role of the Orientation? Can you give me an example where its value has effect on the drawn text?

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predicates     onTestTextOrientation : window::menuItemListener. clauses     onTestTextOrientation(Task, _MenuTag) :-         tiled:=tile::new1(Task),             _=[                TestWindow             ||                 std::fromToInStep(0,420,60)=Escapement,                 %std::fromToInStep(0,300,60)=Orientation,                 Orientation=0,                 Title=string::format("Escapement= %3d, orientation = %3d",Escapement,Orientation),                 TestWindow=vpi::winCreate(w_TopLevel,rct(0,0,240,240),Title,noMenu,getTaskWindow(),                     plainFigure::plain_flags,                 testOrientationHandler,gui_api::mkL(1000*Escapement+Orientation)),                 asserta(drawmode_window(TestWindow))             ].   predicates     testOrientationHandler:eHandler.   clauses     testOrientationHandler(_, e_Create(_)) = gui_api::rNull /* uncheckedConvert(gui_Native::lResult,0) */ :-         _Fit=taskWindow::tiled:move(applicationWindow::get()),         !.     % Mkr used as recommended in upgrade notes     testOrientationHandler(H, e_Update(_Update_Rect)) = gui_api::mkR(3) :-         D=gui_api::getUnsigned(winGetData(H)),         Escapement=D div 1000,         Orientation=D mod 100,         paintObliqueText(H,winGetClientRect(H),winGetText(H),Escapement,Orientation),         !.     testOrientationHandler(H,e_CloseRequest())=gui_api::rNull :-         retractall(drawmode_window(H)),         winDestroy(H),         !.     testOrientationHandler(_Handler, _Event) = gui_api::rNull.
rotated text.PNG
rotated text.PNG (13.49 KiB) Viewed 11501 times
TIA, Regards,
Frank Nagy
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Thomas Linder Puls
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Unread post by Thomas Linder Puls »

From the description (LOGFONT structure) it seems that:
  • Orientation is for each character, i.e. without changing the "escapement" (which is apparently the direction in which the entire text line points).
  • If the graphics mode is GM_COMPATIBLE only the escapement have any effect.
It must be some other predicate/function that changes the graphics mode.
Regards Thomas Linder Puls
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Ferenc Nagy
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Unread post by Ferenc Nagy »

SetGraphicsMode function:
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library ... 85%29.aspx
How can I set them from VIP?
What are their main differences?
TIA, Regards,
Frank Nagy
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