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Gildas Menier
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Control for IExplorer 6.3ce -> 1.1&2.01 and for 7ce -> 2.10 updated for 7002

Unread post by Gildas Menier »

I just included the webbrowser example in a custom control + added a readHTML to be able to send HTML code to IE.

best regards


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Last edited by Gildas Menier on 30 Aug 2006 10:26, edited 5 times in total.
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Unread post by vjoer »


I get errors about missing refrerences:

The file 'pfc\com\' is not found

Any idea?

Viorel Farcas
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Thomas Linder Puls
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Unread post by Thomas Linder Puls »

COM is only supported by the Commercial Edition, are you perhaps you are using the Personal Edition?
Regards Thomas Linder Puls
Gildas Menier
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Unread post by Gildas Menier »

Updated to 1.1 with some new features that use both OLE Command and MSHTML. Can be used in VP6.

New features :

Dialogs : print, print preview, page setup, saveas...
Access : get access to the content of document loaded (HTML and Text), title, docsize, dates...
HTML : use writeHTML to directly write HTML code in the control (doesn't use files anymore)

Some more docs in in the 'customIE' part.

Best Regards


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Gildas Menier
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Unread post by Gildas Menier »

Updated for VIP 7Ce

This one (V2.x as some parts have been rewritten) is based on a wrapper provided by PDC to get access to sink events.

The new main feature is the access to the values of the fields in forms.

You can use this to build a form in HTML (with some more controls on color, font, animated gif, java, javascript etc.. ) and get the values of the fields in Visual Prolog.

--- 7 August :

2.01 : fixed a (big) bug - the control have to load "about:blank" before beeing able to give access to HTML document (as stated by Microsoft's da-vinci-coded-MSDN). I added this initialization in the show clauses, so you don't have to care anymore about that in the 2.01. Note, that if you use the 1.1, you may have to add a myIE:gotoURL("about:blank") in the show clauses too.

New in 2.01 : Added some extra callback-like features : you can now set a callback for a download error as well as a callback that is triggered when a web page has been downloaded. A last callback to deal with the making of external window by right-click and 'open in new window'. See customIE.i to see what I mean ;)

By the way, I think that the PDC wrapper gives access to much more features than I do. I need only a few and I want to simplify the access to them. But if you dig in the PDC generated wrapper, you may find interesting things to fully control IE : but samewise, you'll have to struggle with MSDN to find your way in...

--- 11 August : updated for VIP 7 Ce
Some more documentation + some more predicates for HTML generation.

--- 30 August : updated for 7002 + some minor bug fixes

best regards


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