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Tooltip editing disabled in IDE ?

Posted: 8 May 2022 15:11
by Harrison Pratt
Is toolTip editing permanently disabled in the IDE resource editor?
It was possible to edit toolTip text in previous VP versions.
Screenshot 2022-05-08 100451.png
Screenshot 2022-05-08 100451.png (10.73 KiB) Viewed 58821 times

Of course, tooltips can be created in the constructor:

Code: Select all

new( Parent ):- ... generatedInitialize(), pushButton_ctl_CANCEL:tooltipText := toolTip::tip("Close this dialog,\nbut do NOT SAVE any changes you may have made.").

Re: Tooltip editing disabled in IDE ?

Posted: 9 May 2022 11:20
by Thomas Linder Puls
I see the problem. We will look at it.

As a workaround you can actually edit the code inside the generated part of the code, after you have inserted the dummy. At least if you have deleted your frm/dlg/ctl file.