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Tonton Luc
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xmlhttp60 : get_ResponseStream()

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How to write the PDF file's contain using get_ResponseStream() [or get_responseText()] ?
I've tried this following VP 7.3 code without success because my htmlSource PDF file contain a lot of "???" :

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        XML = xmlhttp60::new(),         XMLR = XML:get_IXMLHTTPRequest_import(),         XMLR:predicate_open("GET","ftp://my_IP_server/my_folder/My_PDF_file.pdf",comDomains::boolean(false),comDomains::string("my_user_name"),comDomains::string("my_password")),         XMLR:send(comDomains::null) , !,         Status = XMLR:get_Status(),         stdio::writef("Status= %\n",Status),                 StatusText = XMLR:get_StatusText(),         stdio::writef("StatusText= %\n",StatusText),                                           ReadyState = XMLR:get_readyState(),         stdio::writef("ReadyState= %\n",ReadyState),                 ResponseStream = XMLR:get_ResponseStream(),         stdio::writef("ResponseStream= %\n",ResponseStream),         if ResponseStream = comDomains::iUnknown(Val) then             OS = outputStream_file::create("htmlSource.pdf"),             OS:write(Val),             OS:close()         end if,                 Html = XMLR:get_responseText(),         file::writeCodedString("htmlSource2.pdf",Html,ansi()),         !.
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Thomas Linder Puls
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Re: xmlhttp60 : get_ResponseStream()

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It is a problem that a pdf file is binary. So you have to obtain the raw bytes and write them unchanged to the file.

The following works in Vip9 (and probably also in vip8, but it will look different in Vip7.3 and maybe there is not support for it all):

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        XML = xmlhttp60::new(),         XML:open_predicate("GET", @"file:///C:/...../test.pdf", comDomains::boolean(false), comDomains::null,             comDomains::null),         XML:send(comDomains::null),         Status = XML:status,         stdio::writef("Status= %\n", Status),         StatusText = XML:statusText,         stdio::writef("StatusText= %\n", StatusText),         ReadyState = XML:readyState,         stdio::writef("ReadyState= %\n", ReadyState),         ResponseBody = XML:responseBody,         stdio::writef("ResponseBody= %\n", ResponseBody),         if comDomains::safeArray(SA) = ResponseBody then             SA8 = safeArrayUnsigned8::newCopy(SA),             [comDomains::boundary(L, 0)] == SA8:getBoundaries(),             Data = SA8:accessData(),             F = outputStream_file::create(@"..\test2.pdf", stream::binary),             F:writeBytes(Data, convert(byteCount, L)),             F:close(),             SA8:unaccessData(),             SA8:release()         end if.
Regards Thomas Linder Puls
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Tonton Luc
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Re: xmlhttp60 : get_ResponseStream()

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Your previous code works fine with VP 7.3 + this :
F:writeBytes(Data, convert(byteCount, L)+1),
Many thanks for your help.
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Thomas Linder Puls
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Re: xmlhttp60 : get_ResponseStream()

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I did notice that the length was one smaller in the boundary, than in the safeArray descriptor. But since it worked I assumed that someone had considered this at a different time. But I will check/review if we do something wrong with the boundaries.
Regards Thomas Linder Puls
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Thomas Linder Puls
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Re: xmlhttp60 : get_ResponseStream()

Unread post by Thomas Linder Puls »

After checking it turned out adding 1 is correct (its a classic bug).

In Vip7.5 and Vip8 the correct place to add 1 is here (in the file safeArray.pro):

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class predicates     getBoundaries : (comDomains::nativeSafeArray) -> comDomains::boundary*. clauses     getBoundaries(NativeSafeArray) = Boundaries :-         Dims = safeArray_api::safeArrayGetDim(NativeSafeArray),         Boundaries =             [ comDomains::boundary(Elements, L) ||                 Dim = std::fromTo(1, Dims),                 L = safeArray_api::safeArrayGetLBound(NativeSafeArray, Dim),                 U = safeArray_api::safeArrayGetUBound(NativeSafeArray, Dim),                 Elements = convert(unsigned, U - L + 1)  % <==== add 1 here             ].
Fortunately, it is very seldom that you need safeArrays. I only think I have ever seen it used like here where we don't really want an array of bytes, but just a binary (or string rather than a array of chars).
Regards Thomas Linder Puls
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Tonton Luc
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Re: xmlhttp60 : get_ResponseStream()

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And do you think it's possible to upload some files using xmlhttp60 ?
I've tried without success :

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        XML = xmlhttp60::new(),         XMLR = XML:get_IXMLHTTPRequest_import(),         XMLR:predicate_open("PUT","ftp://???",comDomains::boolean(false),comDomains::string("my_user_name"),comDomains::string("my_password")),         XMLR:send(???) , !,         Status = XMLR:get_Status(),         stdio::writef("Status= %\n",Status),         ...
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Thomas Linder Puls
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Re: xmlhttp60 : get_ResponseStream()

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Unfortunately, I don't know.
Regards Thomas Linder Puls
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