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json doc

Unread post by augustinharrison »

without any experience with the json example which i have downloaded, i tried to load some
data into a format i can put into a json doc using the following code:

Code: Select all

domains xav_PairLst    = xav_pairs*. xav_pairs      = xav_Pair*. xav_Pair        = av(col_name,data_type). data_type      = string;real;xav_pairs;xav_PairLst.
and in program...

Code: Select all

                   XAV_Pairs1 =                                          [av("EntityUID","808b259b-a996-4649-9cdb-21e4cd5fe654"),                                          av("Addresses",[av("InstanceName", "Home Address"),                                                                   av("Zip", "30135"),                                                                   av("State", "GA"),                                                                   av("Country","USA"),                                                                               av("Address1", "6513 Osceola Way")                                                       ]),                                           av("Description","Demographic Profile"),                                           av("OwnerUID","115f1838-6cc4-40d5-bcf2-5fb19fd27fe0"),                                           av("SpecificTypeID", "d8347260-f601-4ba7-a1d8-7da53fc965b4"),                                             av("Identifications",[[av("InstanceName","Test Account"),                                                                                          av("IdentificationKey","Membership"),                                                                          av("IdentificationValue", "1232445-234")                                                                       ],[av("InstanceName", "Individual"),                                                                                       av("IdentificationKey", "Individual"),                                                                           av("IdentificationValue", "0001")                                                                                 ]]),                                           av("ReleaseStatusID",0),                                           av("ConceptInstanceUID","c7033682-0a4d-4e49-b5d1-574369ca4865"),                                           av("EffectiveDate","Feb 2, 2017 10:04:26 AM"),                                             av("Name",[av("InstanceName","EntityName"),                                                             av("FirstName","Michael"),                                                             av("FullName","Michael W. Saxon"),                                                             av("LastName","Saxon"),                                                             av("MiddleName","W.")                                                            ])                                         ] ,     XAV_Pairs5 =                         [av("EntityUID","808b259b-a996-4649-9cdb-21e4cd5fe654"),                                      av("Description","Employee Profile"),                                      av("OwnerUID","08830664-0647-48ab-b0cf-0949a6b14713"),                                      av("SpecificTypeID","b750a104-dfe9-43f4-ae1d-73241a58a4bc"),                                      av("ReleaseStatusID",0),                          av("EmployeeID","004"),                                      av("ConceptInstanceUID","a7d03848-1282-4b44-95c1-5c52ce9512b8"),                                      av("EffectiveDate","Feb 2, 2017 10:04:26 AM")                                   ],         Rest5 = [av("attributes",                        [av("EntityUID", "808b259b-a996-4649-9cdb-21e4cd5fe654"),                                     av("Description","Patient Profile"),                                         av("OwnerUID","691621e7-e25d-4bbf-b22a-b8eabf93de7e"),                                         av("SpecificTypeID","4ea1b8cf-3b38-4e08-bd57-4995c938616e"),                                         av("ReleaseStatusID", 0),                                         av("PatientID","sdlgjdlgldjf"),                                     av("ConceptInstanceUID","ada105e0-33dc-4722-aff9-7d9f2e61b49c"),                                 av("EffectiveDate","Feb 2, 2017 10:04:26 AM")                  ])],               Rest = [av("attributes",XAV_Pairs5)|Rest5],     _Doc = [av("abstractions", [ av("attributes",[XAV_Pairs1|Rest])])].
the above line is supposed to make a result that packs those av lists together.
the first av at the top has a string instead of another av pair. i was hoping the domain would translate it but i am missing something. i tried both string and text(string) with no luck.

i will look hard at the rpc example because this is for loading a doc from a service using jdoc
but i know av(col_name,data_value) does use data_value for both text and numbers so i attempted to do the same with this.
i get either error c504 : The expression has type '::string', which is incompatible with the type 'main::data_type'
The expression has type 'A$*', which is incompatible with the type 'main::data_type' when using

by the way, thanks for the lead of the rpc/json service example, it looks good. if it eliminates
the need for the above approach l will scrap it and just dive in to that. i was trying to define a
list structure that would make reaching down into the doc easily.

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Thomas Linder Puls
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Unread post by Thomas Linder Puls »

Your data_type domain is not what you think it is.

You have defined 4 functors, not something that is the union of 4 domains.

That kind of union does not exist in Visual Prolog.

You should write something like this instead:

Code: Select all

domains     data_type =          string(string String);          real(real Real);          xav_pairs(xav_pairs Xav_pairs);          xav_PairLst(xav_PairLst Xav_PairLst).
However from json DOM, I believe you have discovered the PFC JSON support. And I belive it will be much faster for you to use that than to rely on your own code (we have already made the work).
Regards Thomas Linder Puls
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json dom

Unread post by augustinharrison »

i would like you to build me a handler for json-DOM-visual prolog. i will have to replace the sql statements in my interpreter with references to my 5 data structures.
so DOC=profiles(entity,uid) could return a document with that data. creating a data access layer would make the database transparent to the user and let them focus on the content of those 5 structures. the av pairs lst i tried to define was an attempt to map a document into lists of key value pairs for those structures. now it seems like i need to just use the 7 data types of json as u suggested.

can you estimate time and cost for a handler that would be comparable to the java-json-dom capability ?


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Thomas Linder Puls
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Unread post by Thomas Linder Puls »

I do not completely understand what you write.

However it is quite simple to build a JSON structure from and ODBC query.

For example like here (this code is not completely vip 7.5 compatible, but it should not be a big problem to update it):

Code: Select all

class predicates     select : jsonProc_name. clauses     select(OdbcRpcContext, ArgMap) = Result :-         Age = ArgMap:get_real("age"),         Stmt = OdbcRpcContext:odbcConnection:execDirect("select Name, Age from PersonStr where Age > ?", [real(Age)]),         Result = fetch_json(Stmt).   class predicates     fetch_json : (odbcStatement Stmt) -> json::jsonValue Result. clauses     fetch_json(Stmt) = a(Result) :-         NumColumns = Stmt:numResultCols(),         Result =             [ o(R) ||                 Stmt:fetch_nd(),                 R = jsonObject::new(),                 foreach Column = std::fromTo(1, NumColumns) do                     Name = Stmt:getColumnName(Column),                     Value = Stmt:getColumnValue(Column),                     JSON = fromValue(Value),                     R:set(Name, JSON)                 end foreach             ],         Stmt:free().   class predicates     fromValue : (value Value) -> json::jsonValue JsonValue. clauses     %!!     fromValue(none) = json::n.     fromValue(boolean(false)) = json::f.     fromValue(boolean(true)) = json::t.     fromValue(unsigned64(Value)) = json::r(Value).     fromValue(integer64(Value)) = json::r(Value).     fromValue(unsigned(Value)) = json::r(Value).     fromValue(integer(Value)) = json::r(Value).     fromValue(real(Value)) = json::r(Value).     fromValue(char(Value)) = json::s(string::charToString(Value)).     fromValue(string(Value)) = json::s(Value).     fromValue(string8(Value)) = json::s(string8::fromUtf8(Value)).     fromValue(binary(Value)) = json::s(cryptography::base64_encode(Value)).     fromValue(gmtTimeValue(Value)) = json::s(string::present(Value)).     fromValue(localTimeValue(Value)) = json::s(string::present(Value)).     fromValue(Value) = _ :-         binaryNonAtomic(_) = Value,         cannotConvert(Value).     fromValue(Value) = _ :-         object(_) = Value,         cannotConvert(Value).     fromValue(Value) = _ :-         pointer(_) = Value,         cannotConvert(Value).     fromValue(Value) = _ :-         handle(_) = Value,         cannotConvert(Value).   class predicates     cannotConvert : (value Value) erroneous. clauses     cannotConvert(Value) :-         exception::raise_errorf("Cannot convert % to a JSON value", Value).
Regards Thomas Linder Puls
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Unread post by augustinharrison »

let me take a shot with that. excellent. thank you.
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json to and from doc

Unread post by augustinharrison »

i see that code is putting all types into json types but i havent got it to compile.

what i need though is the mechanism for taking a nosql document and be able to get and put the
values of that document by position and name.

an example would be to get the address or any other attribute i might need. so the request and response need to be read or written by the entries of a document. i tried to use av because it was already in my project to populate forms but i really need to follow a standard like the java json
dom uses to get the values in string,value arrays and objects. so, addresses is an entry in profile which is one of my 5 data structures from which i know what to ask for either by position or name
from the following document....

"requestUUID": "05aa84a8-9e70-4b80-a7da-c95e700ffcb5",
"responseUUID": "b0c83dc0-3d63-417c-a23a-88cf8d5eda51",
"abstractions": [{
"attributes": {
"EntityUID": "808b259b-a996-4649-9cdb-21e4cd5fe654",
"Addresses": [{
"InstanceName": "Home Address",
"Zip": "30135",
"State": "GA",
"Country": "USA",
"Address1": "6513 Osceola Way",
"City": "Douglasville"
"Description": "Demographic Profile",
"OwnerUID": "115f1838-6cc4-40d5-bcf2-5fb19fd27fe0",
"SpecificTypeID": "d8347260-f601-4ba7-a1d8-7da53fc965b4",
"Identifications": [{
"InstanceName": "Test Account",
"IdentificationKey": "Membership",
"IdentificationValue": "1232445-234"
}, {
"InstanceName": "Individual",
"IdentificationKey": "Individual",
"IdentificationValue": "0001"
"ReleaseStatusID": 0,
"ConceptInstanceUID": "c7033682-0a4d-4e49-b5d1-574369ca4865",
"EffectiveDate": "Feb 2, 2017 10:04:26 AM",
"Name": {
"InstanceName": "EntityName",
"FirstName": "Michael",
"FullName": "Michael W. Saxon",
"LastName": "Saxon",
"MiddleName": "W."
}, {
"attributes": {
"EntityUID": "808b259b-a996-4649-9cdb-21e4cd5fe654",
"Description": "Employee Profile",
"OwnerUID": "08830664-0647-48ab-b0cf-0949a6b14713",
"SpecificTypeID": "b750a104-dfe9-43f4-ae1d-73241a58a4bc",
"ReleaseStatusID": 0,
"EmployeeID": "004",
"ConceptInstanceUID": "a7d03848-1282-4b44-95c1-5c52ce9512b8",
"EffectiveDate": "Feb 2, 2017 10:04:26 AM"
}, {
"attributes": {
"EntityUID": "808b259b-a996-4649-9cdb-21e4cd5fe654",
"Description": "Patient Profile",
"OwnerUID": "691621e7-e25d-4bbf-b22a-b8eabf93de7e",
"PatientID": "sdlgjdlgldjf",
"SpecificTypeID": "4ea1b8cf-3b38-4e08-bd57-4995c938616e",
"ReleaseStatusID": 0,
"ConceptInstanceUID": "ada105e0-33dc-4722-aff9-7d9f2e61b49c",
"EffectiveDate": "Feb 2, 2017 10:04:26 AM"

i have seen the java json dom pull any value from that doc by name or position and i need
the same thing in prolog. does this request make sense yet? if possible, can you estimate
the time and cost to build this?

i have included the java dom example.
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Thomas Linder Puls
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Unread post by Thomas Linder Puls »

I am not quite sure what you are looking for (which is not already there).

Perhaps you just need to realize how it works, maybe this may help:

Code: Select all

clauses     run() :-         % Parse the "document" in to a json::jsonValue         DocValue = json::fromString(doc),         out("doc", DocValue),         % The result is a JSON object so we extract the object         json::o(DocObject) == DocValue,         % Get the "abstractions" from the object         AbstractionsValue = DocObject:get("abstractions"),         out("AbstractionsValue", AbstractionsValue),         %  The result is a JSON Array so we extract the list of json::jsonValue's         json::a(AbstractionValueList) == AbstractionsValue,         % For the exampel we use the second json::jsonValue in the list         [_, AbstractionValue2 | _] == AbstractionValueList,         out("AbstractionValue2", AbstractionValue2),         % It is a JSON object so we extract the object         json::o(AbstractionObject2) == AbstractionValue2,         % Get the "attributes" from the object         AttributesValue2 = AbstractionObject2:get("attributes"),         out("AttributesValue2", AttributesValue2),         % The attributes is a JSON object, so we extract the object         json::o(AttributesObject2) == AttributesValue2,         % Get the "Description" from the object         DescroptionValue2 = AttributesObject2:get("Description"),         out("DescroptionValue2", DescroptionValue2),         % The description is a JSON string, so we extract the string         json::s(DescriptionString2) == DescroptionValue2,         stdio::writef("The description is: %\n", DescriptionString2).   class predicates     out : (string Label, json::jsonValue Value). clauses     out(Label, Value) :-         O = stdio::outputStream,         O:write(Label, "\n"),         jsonPrettyPrint::ppValue(O, Value),         O:write("\n\n").   constants     doc =         @<{>         @<      "requestUUID": "05aa84a8-9e70-4b80-a7da-c95e700ffcb5",>         @<      "responseUUID": "b0c83dc0-3d63-417c-a23a-88cf8d5eda51",>         @<      "abstractions": [{>         @<                      "attributes": {>         @<                              "EntityUID": "808b259b-a996-4649-9cdb-21e4cd5fe654",>         @<                              "Addresses": [{>         @<                                              "InstanceName": "Home Address",>         @<                                              "Zip": "30135",>         @<                                              "State": "GA",>         @<                        "Country": "USA",>         @<                                              "Address1": "6513 Osceola Way",>         @<                                              "City": "Douglasville">         @<                                      }>         @<                              ],>         @<                              "Description": "Demographic Profile",>         @<                              "OwnerUID": "115f1838-6cc4-40d5-bcf2-5fb19fd27fe0",>         @<                              "SpecificTypeID": "d8347260-f601-4ba7-a1d8-7da53fc965b4",>         @<                              "Identifications": [{>         @<                                              "InstanceName": "Test Account",>         @<                                              "IdentificationKey": "Membership",>         @<                                              "IdentificationValue": "1232445-234">         @<                                      }, {>         @<                                              "InstanceName": "Individual",>         @<                                              "IdentificationKey": "Individual",>         @<                                              "IdentificationValue": "0001">         @<                                      }>         @<                              ],>         @<                              "ReleaseStatusID": 0,>         @<                              "ConceptInstanceUID": "c7033682-0a4d-4e49-b5d1-574369ca4865",>         @<                              "EffectiveDate": "Feb 2, 2017 10:04:26 AM",>         @<                              "Name": {>         @<                                      "InstanceName": "EntityName",>         @<                                      "FirstName": "Michael",>         @<                                      "FullName": "Michael W. Saxon",>         @<                                      "LastName": "Saxon",>         @<                                      "MiddleName": "W.">         @<                              }>         @<                      }>         @<              }, {>         @<                      "attributes": {>         @<                              "EntityUID": "808b259b-a996-4649-9cdb-21e4cd5fe654",>         @<                              "Description": "Employee Profile",>         @<                              "OwnerUID": "08830664-0647-48ab-b0cf-0949a6b14713",>         @<                              "SpecificTypeID": "b750a104-dfe9-43f4-ae1d-73241a58a4bc",>         @<                              "ReleaseStatusID": 0,>         @<                              "EmployeeID": "004",>         @<                              "ConceptInstanceUID": "a7d03848-1282-4b44-95c1-5c52ce9512b8",>         @<                              "EffectiveDate": "Feb 2, 2017 10:04:26 AM">         @<                      }>         @<              }, {>         @<                      "attributes": {>         @<                              "EntityUID": "808b259b-a996-4649-9cdb-21e4cd5fe654",>         @<                              "Description": "Patient Profile",>         @<                              "OwnerUID": "691621e7-e25d-4bbf-b22a-b8eabf93de7e",>         @<                              "PatientID": "sdlgjdlgldjf",>         @<                              "SpecificTypeID": "4ea1b8cf-3b38-4e08-bd57-4995c938616e",>         @<                              "ReleaseStatusID": 0,>         @<                              "ConceptInstanceUID": "ada105e0-33dc-4722-aff9-7d9f2e61b49c",>         @<                              "EffectiveDate": "Feb 2, 2017 10:04:26 AM">         @<                      }>         @<              }>         @<      ]>         @<}>.

(The syntax coloring of the doc string is not correct here in the forum).
Regards Thomas Linder Puls
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Thomas Linder Puls
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Unread post by Thomas Linder Puls »

Notice that there are short-cuts on jsonObject's that look-up and extract in a single operation:

Code: Select all

clauses     run() :-         % Parse the "document" in to a json::jsonValue         DocValue = json::fromString(doc),         out("doc", DocValue),         % The result is a JSON object so we extract the object         json::o(DocObject) == DocValue,         % Get the "abstractions" from the object         AbstractionValueList = DocObject:get_array("abstractions"),         % For the exampel we use the second json::jsonValue in the list         [_, AbstractionValue2 | _] == AbstractionValueList,         out("AbstractionValue2", AbstractionValue2),         % It is a JSON object so we extract the object         json::o(AbstractionObject2) == AbstractionValue2,         % Get the "attributes" from the object         AttributesObject2 = AbstractionObject2:get_object("attributes"),         % Get the "Description" from the object         DescriptionString2 = AttributesObject2:get_string("Description"),         stdio::writef("The description is: %\n", DescriptionString2).

I.e. get_array, get_object, get_string , etc.
Regards Thomas Linder Puls
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json to and from doc

Unread post by augustinharrison »

that was in fact the problem. thank you so much for taking your time to explain it. i am on the move again!!!
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Thomas Linder Puls
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Unread post by Thomas Linder Puls »

Excellent :D
Regards Thomas Linder Puls
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parse dom

Unread post by augustinharrison »

i am rolling now. the only other point is has anyone parsed a syntax statement like the java dom does?


requestSyntax = "json.abstractions[0].attributes.Identifications[IdentificationKey=Individual].IdentificationValue";

thanks. you have given me a means to write my piece of a real dynamic programming platform.
i will keep you posted.
Last edited by augustinharrison on 24 Feb 2017 19:55, edited 1 time in total.
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Thomas Linder Puls
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Unread post by Thomas Linder Puls »

We have not made such a system. In our way of using JSON is it not very relevant. We don't use JSON as a way of dealing with data (we use normal Visual Prolog for that) we only use JSON as a serialization format, in line with XML, plain Visual Prolog term read/write , etc.

I can suggest that you create a term based language for it. Something like:

Code: Select all

domains     jsonPath = jsonSelector*.   domains     jsonSelector =         a(string Name); % attribute         i(positive Index); % index         s(string Attribute, string Value). % select first match
Your example:

requestSyntax = "json.abstractions[0].attributes.Identifications[IdentificationKey=Individual].IdentificationValue";

Will correspond to:

Code: Select all

    Path = [a("abstractions"), i(0), a("attributes"), a("Identifications"), s("IdentificationKey", "Individual"), a("IdentificationValue")],     RequestSyntax = trySelect(Json, Path),
Once you have that it will also be "quite easy" to create a parser for the "string" version of the language using the parser generator, and let that transform into your functor language.

So you can write this instead:

Code: Select all

     RequestSyntax = trySelect(Json, "abstractions[0].attributes.Identifications[IdentificationKey=Individual].IdentificationValue"),
Regards Thomas Linder Puls
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Posts: 29
Joined: 28 Jul 2010 1:28


Unread post by augustinharrison »

once again, that is exactly what i needed. thank you so much.

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