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log file inclusion speed

Unread post by augustinharrison »

I am writing a logfile and it is getting pounded. I thought of reading a debug(1) internal db from a file to control whether the log is written to or not by:

consult debug(1) then in loop call....

log (_Msg) :- debug(1),!.
log (_Msg) :- write_log(_Msg).

with memory being so slow compared to cpu is there a faster running way to do this?
if conditional compile must be recompiled for debug but blazes i would use that.


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Thomas Linder Puls
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Unread post by Thomas Linder Puls »

You must be logging a lot if it can affect performance.

The simplest approach to logging is to have a log predicate somewhere like you have:

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class log properties     logOn : boolean.     logstream : outputStream. predicates     log : (...).     logf : (string Format [formatString], ...). end class log
And a corresponding implementation:

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implement log: facts     logOn : boolean := false.     logstream : outputStream := stdio::getOutputStream().   clauses     log(...) :         if true = logOn then             logstream:write(...)         end if.   clauses     logf(Format, ...) :         if true = logOn then             logstream:writef(Format, ...)         end if. end implement log
You would use it like this:

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clauses     p() :-         foreach X in getX_nd() do             ...             log::logf("X is %\n", X),             ...         end foreach.
If the overhead of the call is too expensive you could perform the check inline:

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clauses     p() :-         foreach X in getX_nd() do             ...             if true = log::logOn then                 log::logf("X is %\n", X)             end if,             ...         end foreach.
I am not sure if that is faster though, but it will be faster if you do like this:

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clauses     p() :-         LogOn = log::logOn,         foreach X in getX_nd() do             ...             if true = LogOn then                 log::logf("X is %\n", X)             end if,             ...         end foreach.
Because then you only access the property once before the loop.

If you want the absolute highest performance you will need some kind of conditional compilation.

This can be achieved by changing the logOn property in to a constant instead. If logOn is a constant then this code will log if it is defined to true, and it will not log if it is defined to false.

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clauses     p() :-         foreach X in getX_nd() do             ...             if true = log::logOn then                 log::logf("X is %\n", X)             end if,             ...         end foreach.
When it is false you will also get a warning about unreachable code, indicating that the compiler have completely removed the code.
Regards Thomas Linder Puls
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Posts: 29
Joined: 28 Jul 2010 1:28


Unread post by augustinharrison »

thank you Thomas
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