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isApi, webQueryString and urlDecode packages

Posted: 5 Jan 2009 21:45
by Thomas Linder Puls
I have been working on an update to the ISAPI integration, and some other WEB support stuff.

Actually, it is long ago I have worked on it, and it will take long time before I can work on it again. So instead of just letting it grow old for no purpose, I have decided to post it here as is.

The isApi package has more or less reached its final state. So has (as far as I recall ) the webQueryString and the urlDecoder package has, but the xhtmlOutputStream package does not have its final form.

For my test purpose I registered it as an vip extension script engine (see images). Meaning that any url in the isApi WEB with extension vip (e.g. http://localhost/isApi/ppp/ will invoke isApiDemo.dll. Notice that I didn't select that the IIS should check for file existence, so the isApi is invoked even though there is no file corresponding to /ppp/