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Martin Meyer
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Stack Inspection

Unread post by Martin Meyer »

Hello Thomas!

Predicate programControl:getBackTrack/0-> returns a pointer to the current position in the Backtrack Stack. Is that stack the same as the Run Stack or is it a separate stack? How can I inspect what is on the stack(s)?

My intention is to set up a solution to the problem discussed in Reverting changes on backtracking. Roughly the plan to register an undo-action to a destructive change would be:

Find the latest backtrack point on the stack. The backtrack point contains the address of where to return to in backtracking. Exchange that original address with the address of a nondeterm predicate which does three things: First it repairs the stack by restoring the original address in the backtrack point. Second it calls the undo-action procedure. Third it fails so that program execution continues normally by backtracking to the original address.

Do you think this plan is feasible somehow when you clue me how to interpret the stack's contents?
Regards Martin
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Re: Stack Inspection

Unread post by Gukalov »

I just use "or". It works. In the simple cases at list)))
Some object fact/propertie changes on the way forward and the old value sets back on the way backward.

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... OldValue = fact1, (    % forward:    % any action that changes the fact1    % next in the chain or    % backward    fact1 := OldValue,    fail ).
Martin Meyer
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Re: Stack Inspection

Unread post by Martin Meyer »

Yes, it works with "or":

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class facts     fact1 : string := "original".   class predicates     changeFact : () multi. clauses     changeFact() :-         OldValue = fact1,         (fact1 := "replaced" or fact1 := OldValue and fail).   clauses     run() :-         stdIO::write("1 Start: ", fact1, '\n'),         changeFact(),         stdIO::write("2 Changed: ", fact1, '\n'),         fail.       run() :-         stdIO::write("3 End: ", fact1, '\n').
That outputs:

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1 Start: original 2 Changed: replaced 3 End: original
Thomas has advised a similar construction to yours in How To Remove Reference Domains from a Project. The construction requires that the destructive change is done in a multi or nondeterm predicate. If the change is done in a procedure or determ predicate, then the "or"-construction is impossible:

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class facts     fact1 : string := "original".   class predicates     tryChangeNonEmptyFact : () determ. clauses     tryChangeNonEmptyFact() :-         fact1 <> "",         OldValue = fact1,         (fact1 := "replaced" or fact1 := OldValue and fail). %violates mode determ   clauses     run() :-         stdIO::write("1 Start: ", fact1, '\n'),         if tryChangeNonEmptyFact() then             stdIO::write("2 Changed: ", fact1, '\n')         else             stdIO::write("2 Not changed: ", fact1, '\n')         end if,         fail.       run() :-         stdIO::write("3 End: ", fact1, '\n').
Even replacing determ by nondeterm in the above would not produce desired results because the condition in an if-then-else statement is a cut-scope which would cut off the undo-action.

The solution, about which I am asking Thomas, by manipulating the stack, should work out always however; no matter whether the predicate, in which the destructive change is done, has mode procedure, determ, multi, or nondeterm.
Regards Martin
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Thomas Linder Puls
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Re: Stack Inspection

Unread post by Thomas Linder Puls »

As already mentioned I think you are walking soft grounds doing things like that (and I don't see a way for you to do it either).

The backtrack stack is a chain of backtrack records, in vip 10 it is like this:

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domains     btop =         backtrackEntry(btop Next, ttopP LastTTop, returnAddress ReturnAddress, unsignedNative EBP).
When backtracking the "BTOP" is set to Next and the "TTOP" (trap top) is set to LastTTop. Then the EPB/RPB register is restored to EBP and finally we jump to ReturnAddress.

For you the problem is, that you don't something which is compatible with a ReturnAddress and an EBP.

You would be able to create an anonymous predicate/predicate closure, which is a pointer to a piece of data whose first element is a pointer to the code to run. But the invocation of such one, is completely different from restoring a backtrack point.
Regards Thomas Linder Puls
Martin Meyer
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Re: Stack Inspection

Unread post by Martin Meyer »

At least in 32-bit mode this seems to work in VIP 10:

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    open core   class predicates     registerUndo : (predicate Undo). clauses     registerUndo(Undo) :-         StackMark = programControl::getBackTrack(),         OriginalStackEntry = memory::getPointer(StackMark),         registerUndo_1(Undo, StackMark, OriginalStackEntry),         !.   class predicates     registerUndo_1 : (predicate Undo, programControl::stackMark StackMark, pointer OriginalStackEntry) multi. clauses     registerUndo_1(_Undo, StackMark, _OriginalStackEntry) :-         NewStackMark = programControl::getBackTrack(),         NewStackEntry = memory::getPointer(NewStackMark),         memory::setPointer(StackMark, NewStackEntry).       registerUndo_1(Undo, StackMark, OriginalStackEntry) :-         memory::setPointer(StackMark, OriginalStackEntry),         Undo(),         fail.   class facts     myFact : string := "original".   clauses     run() :-         stdIO::write("1: ", myFact, '\n'),         OldMyFact = myFact,         myFact := "changed",         registerUndo({  :- myFact := OldMyFact }),         stdIO::write("2: ", myFact, '\n'),         fail.       run() :-         stdIO::write("3: ", myFact, '\n').
It outputs:

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1: original 2: changed 3: original
But in 64-bit mode it produces an access violation.

Do you think it is a valid solution in 32-bit or otherwise what is wrong with it?
If the solution is OK in 32-bit, how to fix the access violation in 64-bit?
Regards Martin
Martin Meyer
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Re: Stack Inspection

Unread post by Martin Meyer »

I suspect that the arguments of the call to registerUndo_1/3 are pushed on the run stack, but after the cut in registerUndo/1 the stack shrinks and they become "dead" entries which can be overwritten. So, if that is the problem, how to cure it?

I made a test using facts instead of the arguments of registerUndo_1. That cannot be a final solution of course, but only a test:

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    open core   class facts     undo : predicate := erroneous.     stackMark : programControl::stackMark := erroneous.     originalStackEntry : pointer := erroneous.   class predicates     registerUndo : (predicate Undo). clauses     registerUndo(Undo) :-         StackMark = programControl::getBackTrack(),         OriginalStackEntry = memory::getPointer(StackMark),         undo := Undo,         stackMark := StackMark,         originalStackEntry := OriginalStackEntry,         registerUndo_1(),         !.   class predicates     registerUndo_1 : () multi. clauses     registerUndo_1() :-         NewStackMark = programControl::getBackTrack(),         NewStackEntry = memory::getPointer(NewStackMark),         memory::setPointer(stackMark, NewStackEntry).       registerUndo_1() :-         memory::setPointer(stackMark, originalStackEntry),         undo(),         fail.   class facts     myFact : string := "original".   clauses     run() :-         stdIO::write("1: ", myFact, '\n'),         OldMyFact = myFact,         myFact := "changed",         registerUndo({  :- myFact := OldMyFact }),         stdIO::write("2: ", myFact, '\n'),         fail.       run() :-         stdIO::write("3: ", myFact, '\n').
Unfortunately however that still produces an access violation in 64-bit.

OK then, I tried it another way. What happens when I remove the cut in registerUndo/1 to keep the new stack entry alive. That's also not a final solution of course, but a test:

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    open core   class predicates     registerUndo : (predicate Undo) multi. clauses     registerUndo(Undo) :-         StackMark = programControl::getBackTrack(),         OriginalStackEntry = memory::getPointer(StackMark),         registerUndo_1(Undo, StackMark, OriginalStackEntry).   class predicates     registerUndo_1 : (predicate Undo, programControl::stackMark StackMark, pointer OriginalStackEntry) multi. clauses     registerUndo_1(_Undo, StackMark, _OriginalStackEntry) :-         NewStackMark = programControl::getBackTrack(),         NewStackEntry = memory::getPointer(NewStackMark),         memory::setPointer(StackMark, NewStackEntry).       registerUndo_1(Undo, StackMark, OriginalStackEntry) :-         memory::setPointer(StackMark, OriginalStackEntry),         Undo(),         fail.   class facts     myFact : string := "original".   clauses     run() :-         stdIO::write("1: ", myFact, '\n'),         OldMyFact = myFact,         myFact := "changed",         registerUndo({  :- myFact := OldMyFact }),         stdIO::write("2: ", myFact, '\n'),         fail.       run() :-         stdIO::write("3: ", myFact, '\n').
That worked without access violation in 32- and 64-bit.

However I need registerUndo/1 to be procedure not multi. So, how else could I keep the new stack entry alive?
Regards Martin
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Thomas Linder Puls
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Re: Stack Inspection

Unread post by Thomas Linder Puls »

The determinism analysis obviously establishes a "semantical value" to the programmer. But it also provides crucial information about how to generate code for the clauses. A predicate that can leave a backtrack point have a very special calling convention, because it doesn't vacate the run stack, it leaves its entry (aka. activation record/stack frame/<dear child many names (Danish manner of speaking; don't know it it exist in English)>) . The stack is not vacated until the predicate finally fails (and no backtrack point exist anymore).

Now you ask: how to make a procedure (or determ) stay on the stack. You can't, because the calling convention for a procedure vacates the stack on return. Assuming that you could make a "fake" procedure that didn't vacate the stack it would be very fragile, because calling that procedure from another procedure would vacate the stack when that procedure returned.

In fact this need to know that the call stack must be retained is the reason that some kind of mode analysis has existed in our Prolog version all the way back to the very first day.

Besides this you will also have a problem with cut. Because a cut removes backtrack points including your undo actions, but when backtracking on a level further out you would need your undo actions to be executed. In the old days (with reference domains and truly free variables) variables would need to be unbound when backtracking, such variables were recorded in a (so called) trail (a notion from the original Warren abstract machine). When cutting trail entries from the backtrack-records that was cut away would be moved to the new top most backtrack point so that when that was effectuated the unbindings would be performed even though they originally came from another backtrack point.

In those old days the cut operation would pop the backtrack records one at the time collecting the trail entries until it the new top was encountered the collected trail elements would then be added to the new top (I can't remember all the details. Today we don't need to collect anything so the backtrack-top is simply set to the new value.

(I can't remember all the details of the vip5 handling, it is decades ago it was changed and I had nothing to do with the development of it).
Regards Thomas Linder Puls
Martin Meyer
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Re: Stack Inspection

Unread post by Martin Meyer »

OK, when a procedure returns, it cannot leave anything on the stack. Thus I tried a different approach.

Instead of creating a new backtrack point which will be vacated on the return from the "register undo-action" procedure, I am re-using an existant one. For this purpose I am creating an "undo backtrack point" in an initialize routine. The undo backtrack point undos the destructive changes on re-entering. In procedure registerUndoAction I detour the latest backtrack point by setting its return address to the return address of the undo backtrack point:

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    open core   domains     backtrackEntry = backtrackEntry(bTop Next, tTopP LastTTop, returnAddress ReturnAddress, unsignedNative EBP).     bTop = pointer.     tTopP = pointer.     returnAddress = pointer.   class facts     myFact : string := "original".   class predicates     show : (string Mark). clauses     show(Mark) :-         stdIO::write("(", Mark, ") BackTrackPoints=", programControl::getBackTrackPoints(), ", BackTrack=", programControl::getBackTrack(),             ", myFact=", myFact, '\n').   domains     undoStackEntry = undoStackEntry(pointerTo{backtrackEntry} PtToBtEntry, returnAddress OriginalReturnAddress, predicate Undo).   class facts     undoStack : undoStackEntry* := [].     undoReturnAddress : pointer := erroneous.   class predicates     initialize : () multi. clauses     initialize() :-         PtToUndoBtEntry = uncheckedConvert(pointerTo{backtrackEntry}, programControl::getBackTrack()),         backtrackEntry(:ReturnAddress = UndoReturnAddress | _) == memory::get(PtToUndoBtEntry),         undoReturnAddress := UndoReturnAddress.       initialize() :-         initialize_1().   class predicates     initialize_1 : () failure. clauses     initialize_1() :-         show("b"),         [UndoStackEntry | RestUndoStack] = undoStack,         undoStack := RestUndoStack,         StackMark = programControl::getBackTrack(),         if uncheckedConvert(pointer, UndoStackEntry) < StackMark then             initialize_1() %undo-action has been cut off         else             undoStackEntry(PtToBtEntry, OriginalReturnAddress, Undo) == UndoStackEntry,             backtrackEntry(:ReturnAddress = ReturnAddress | _) == memory::get(PtToBtEntry),             PtToReturnAddress = memory::mkPointerTo(ReturnAddress),             memory::set(PtToReturnAddress, OriginalReturnAddress),             Undo(),             fail         end if.   class predicates     registerUndoAction : (programControl::stackMark, predicate Undo). clauses     registerUndoAction(StackMark, Undo) :-         show("r"),         PtToBtEntry = uncheckedConvert(pointerTo{backtrackEntry}, StackMark),         backtrackEntry(:ReturnAddress = OriginalReturnAddress | _) == memory::get(PtToBtEntry),         PtToReturnAddress = memory::mkPointerTo(OriginalReturnAddress),         memory::set(PtToReturnAddress, undoReturnAddress),         undoStack := [undoStackEntry(PtToBtEntry, OriginalReturnAddress, Undo) | undoStack].   class predicates     test : (). clauses     test() :-         show("1"),         OldMyFact = myFact,         myFact := "changed",         registerUndoAction(programControl::getBackTrack(), {  :- myFact := OldMyFact }),         show("2"),         fail.       test() :-         show("3").   clauses     run() :-         initialize(),         test(),         !.
That runs without access violations in 32- and 64-bit. It outputs however not what I intended:

Code: Select all

(1) BackTrackPoints=2, BackTrack=00000000005FF528, myFact=original (r) BackTrackPoints=2, BackTrack=00000000005FF4A8, myFact=changed (2) BackTrackPoints=2, BackTrack=00000000005FF528, myFact=changed (3) BackTrackPoints=1, BackTrack=00000000005FF588, myFact=changed
I suspect the reason, why it does not work, is that getBackTrack just returns the top of the stack. But on top of the stack is not necessarily a backtrack point. I suppose my ReturnAddress contains some bytes from the stack, but not actually the return address of the latest backtrack point. That true or is the construction not working for else reason?

If a construction like this could work out in principle, my question is: How to correctly grab the latest backtrack point and its return address?
Regards Martin
Martin Meyer
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Re: Stack Inspection

Unread post by Martin Meyer »

Regarding the problem with the cut:

I understand the problem which you are pointing out. But I think we do not need to worry about it when inventing a solution to revert destructive changes on backtracking. The problem must (only) be handled when implementing a class to emulate reference variables on top of this solution. The plan to handle the problem there is:

When a binding is made, four things will be done: 1st the current stack position is recorded in variable StackPos. 2nd the destructive changes of the binding are performed. 3rd StackPos and a revert-operation, which reverts the destructive changes, are pushed on the trail. 4th the undo-action "execute the revert-operations popped off from the trail up to StackPos" is registered to be carried out on backtracking. If undo-actions are cut off, the trail stays unchanged. When backtracking further out, the revert-operations, which have been skipped by the cut, will be executed.
Regards Martin
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Re: Stack Inspection

Unread post by Martin Meyer »

An add-on to the cut problem:

When backtracking further out, the revert-operations, which have been skipped by the cut, will be executed only if we backtrack over a backtrack point, at which another undo-action is registered.

But, as far as I see, that's just fine. Because we register undo-actions for every binding (or else change in the data structure which holds the reference variables' state). If we backtrack over backtrack points, at which no undo-actions have been registered, it means that we have not changed the reference variables' state on the way forth and thus we can stay with their state on way back.
Regards Martin
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Thomas Linder Puls
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Re: Stack Inspection

Unread post by Thomas Linder Puls »

This code is wrong:

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       PtToUndoBtEntry = uncheckedConvert(pointerTo{backtrackEntry}, programControl::getBackTrack()),         backtrackEntry(:ReturnAddress = UndoReturnAddress | _) == memory::get(PtToUndoBtEntry),

A functor domain is a pointer to the record, so you resolve pointer level too much, try this instead:

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       backtrackEntry(:ReturnAddress = UndoReturnAddress | _) =             uncheckedConvert(backtrackEntry, programControl::getBackTrack()),
Regards Thomas Linder Puls
Martin Meyer
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Re: Stack Inspection

Unread post by Martin Meyer »

Thank you! After applying your correction and some more it works already much better:

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    open core   domains     backtrackEntry = backtrackEntry(bTop Next, tTopP LastTTop, unsignedNative EBP, returnAddress ReturnAddress).     bTop = pointer.     tTopP = pointer.     returnAddress = pointer.   constants     returnAddressOffSet : byteOffset = sizeOfDomain(bTop) + sizeOfDomain(tTopP) + sizeOfDomain(unsignedNative).   class facts     myFact : string := "original".   class predicates     show : (string Mark). clauses     show(Mark) :-         stdIO::write("(", Mark, ") BackTrackPoints=", programControl::getBackTrackPoints(), ", BackTrack=", programControl::getBackTrack(),             ", myFact=", myFact, '\n').   domains     undoStackEntry = undoStackEntry(pointerTo{returnAddress} PtToReturnAddress, returnAddress OriginalReturnAddress, predicate Undo).   class facts     undoStack : undoStackEntry* := [].     undoReturnAddress : returnAddress := erroneous.   class predicates     initialize : () multi. clauses     initialize() :-         show("i"),         backtrackEntry(:ReturnAddress = UndoReturnAddress | _) == uncheckedConvert(backtrackEntry, programControl::getBackTrack()),         undoReturnAddress := UndoReturnAddress.       initialize() :-         initialize_1().       initialize().   class predicates     initialize_1 : () failure. clauses     initialize_1() :-         show("b"),         [UndoStackEntry | RestUndoStack] = undoStack,         undoStack := RestUndoStack,         StackMark = programControl::getBackTrack(),         if uncheckedConvert(pointer, UndoStackEntry) < StackMark then             initialize_1() %undo-action has been cut off         else             undoStackEntry(PtToReturnAddress, OriginalReturnAddress, Undo) == UndoStackEntry,             memory::set(PtToReturnAddress, OriginalReturnAddress),             Undo(),             fail         end if.   class predicates     registerUndoAction : (programControl::stackMark, predicate Undo). clauses     registerUndoAction(StackMark, Undo) :-         show("r"),         BtEntry = uncheckedConvert(backtrackEntry, StackMark),         backtrackEntry(:ReturnAddress = OriginalReturnAddress | _) == BtEntry,         PtToReturnAddress = uncheckedConvert(pointerTo{returnAddress}, memory::pointerAdd(BtEntry, returnAddressOffSet)),         memory::set(PtToReturnAddress, undoReturnAddress),         undoStack := [undoStackEntry(PtToReturnAddress, OriginalReturnAddress, Undo) | undoStack].   class predicates     test : (). clauses     test() :-         show("1"),         OldMyFact = myFact,         myFact := "changed",         registerUndoAction(programControl::getBackTrack(), {  :- myFact := OldMyFact }),         show("2"),         fail.       test() :-         show("3").   clauses     run() :-         initialize(),         test(),         !.
In 32-bit mode it outputs:

Code: Select all

(i) BackTrackPoints=1, BackTrack=0019FA94, myFact=original (1) BackTrackPoints=2, BackTrack=0019FA68, myFact=original (r) BackTrackPoints=2, BackTrack=0019FA38, myFact=changed (2) BackTrackPoints=2, BackTrack=0019FA68, myFact=changed (b) BackTrackPoints=2, BackTrack=0019FA44, myFact=changed (3) BackTrackPoints=1, BackTrack=0019FA94, myFact=original
But in 64-bit something goes wrong and the output is:

Code: Select all

(i) BackTrackPoints=1, BackTrack=00000000005FF598, myFact=original (1) BackTrackPoints=2, BackTrack=00000000005FF538, myFact=original (r) BackTrackPoints=2, BackTrack=00000000005FF4B8, myFact=changed (2) BackTrackPoints=2, BackTrack=00000000005FF538, myFact=changed (3) BackTrackPoints=1, BackTrack=00000000005FF598, myFact=changed
Evident question is: Why 64-bit makes a difference and how to fix it?

Moreover I am still not sure whether the run stack and the backtrack stack are two different stacks or one and the same. I suspect that getBackTrack just returns the top of the run stack and in registerUndoAction I should walk down stack entries until I reach a backtrack point. Is that true and if yes, how to recognize a backtrack point entry and how to determine the size of non-backtrack-point entries?
Regards Martin
Martin Meyer
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Re: Stack Inspection

Unread post by Martin Meyer »

The reason, why I suppose getBackTrack just returns the top of the run stack, is that:

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class predicates     test : (). clauses     test() :-         stdIO::write("2: ", programControl::getBackTrack(), '\n').   clauses     run() :-         stdIO::write("1: ", programControl::getBackTrack(), '\n'),         test(),         stdIO::write("3: ", programControl::getBackTrack(), '\n').
outputs (in 32-bit and in 64-bit it's similary):

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1: 0019FAC8 2: 0019FAB4 3: 0019FAC8
There is no backtrack point involved here. If getBackTrack would return a pointer to a separate backtrack stack, it should return the same value in all of the three places.
Regards Martin
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Thomas Linder Puls
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Re: Stack Inspection

Unread post by Thomas Linder Puls »

I should probably have been more awake, but ...

The predicate getBackTrack is unusable for the things you are dealing with.

The correct predicate is getBackTrackTop, which is not defined in PFC, but can be defined like this:

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class predicates     getBackTrackTop : () -> bTop BTop language c as linknames_vipKernel::getBackTrackTop.   resolve     getBackTrackTop externally
Besides this you have at some point in time reversed the order of the two last arguments of backtrackEntry. This together with the wrong predicate makes everything "nonsense".

Here is an update of your program:

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implement main     open core   domains     backtrackEntry = backtrackEntry(bTop Next, tTopP LastTTop, returnAddress ReturnAddress, handle EBP).     bTop = pointer.     tTopP = pointer.     returnAddress = pointer.   constants     returnAddressOffSet : byteOffset = sizeOfDomain(bTop) + sizeOfDomain(tTopP).   class facts     myFact : string := "original".   class predicates     getBackTrackTop : () -> bTop BTop language c as linknames_vipKernel::getBackTrackTop.   resolve     getBackTrackTop externally   class predicates     show : (string Mark). clauses     show(Mark) :-         BTCount = programControl::getBackTrackPoints(),         stdio::writef("(%s) BackTrackPoints=%, myFact=%\n", Mark, BTCount, myFact),         BTop = getBackTrackTop(),         showBS(BTop).   class predicates     showBS : (bTop BE). clauses     showBS(BE) :-         if not(memory::isNull(BE)) then             Entry = uncheckedConvert(backtrackEntry, BE),             stdio::writef("    R: %\n", Entry),             backtrackEntry(Next | _) = Entry,             showBS(Next)         end if.   domains     undoStackEntry = undoStackEntry(pointerTo{returnAddress} PtToReturnAddress, returnAddress OriginalReturnAddress, predicate Undo).   class facts     undoStack : undoStackEntry* := [].     undoReturnAddress : returnAddress := erroneous.   class predicates     initialize : () multi. clauses     initialize() :-         show("i"),         backtrackEntry(:ReturnAddress = UndoReturnAddress | _) = uncheckedConvert(backtrackEntry, getBackTrackTop()),         undoReturnAddress := UndoReturnAddress.       initialize() :-         initialize_1().       initialize().   class predicates     initialize_1 : () failure. clauses     initialize_1() :-         show("b"),         [UndoStackEntry | RestUndoStack] = undoStack,         undoStack := RestUndoStack,         BTop = getBackTrackTop(),         if uncheckedConvert(pointer, UndoStackEntry) < BTop then             initialize_1() %undo-action has been cut off         else             undoStackEntry(PtToReturnAddress, OriginalReturnAddress, Undo) == UndoStackEntry,             memory::set(PtToReturnAddress, OriginalReturnAddress),             Undo(),             fail         end if.   class predicates     registerUndoAction : (bTop, predicate Undo). clauses     registerUndoAction(BTop, Undo) :-         show("r"),         BtEntry = uncheckedConvert(backtrackEntry, BTop),         backtrackEntry(:ReturnAddress = OriginalReturnAddress | _) == BtEntry,         PtToReturnAddress = uncheckedConvert(pointerTo{returnAddress}, memory::pointerAdd(BtEntry, returnAddressOffSet)),         memory::set(PtToReturnAddress, undoReturnAddress),         undoStack := [undoStackEntry(PtToReturnAddress, OriginalReturnAddress, Undo) | undoStack]. implement main     open core   domains     backtrackEntry = backtrackEntry(bTop Next, tTopP LastTTop, returnAddress ReturnAddress, handle EBP).     bTop = pointer.     tTopP = pointer.     returnAddress = pointer.   constants     returnAddressOffSet : byteOffset = sizeOfDomain(bTop) + sizeOfDomain(tTopP).   class facts     myFact : string := "original".   class predicates     getBackTrackTop : () -> bTop BTop language c as linknames_vipKernel::getBackTrackTop.   resolve     getBackTrackTop externally   class predicates     show : (string Mark). clauses     show(Mark) :-         BTCount = programControl::getBackTrackPoints(),         stdio::writef("(%s) BackTrackPoints=%, myFact=%\n", Mark, BTCount, myFact),         BTop = getBackTrackTop(),         showBS(BTop).   class predicates     showBS : (bTop BE). clauses     showBS(BE) :-         if not(memory::isNull(BE)) then             Entry = uncheckedConvert(backtrackEntry, BE),             stdio::writef("    R: %\n", Entry),             backtrackEntry(Next | _) = Entry,             showBS(Next)         end if.   domains     undoStackEntry = undoStackEntry(pointerTo{returnAddress} PtToReturnAddress, returnAddress OriginalReturnAddress, predicate Undo).   class facts     undoStack : undoStackEntry* := [].     undoReturnAddress : returnAddress := erroneous.   class predicates     initialize : () multi. clauses     initialize() :-         show("i"),         backtrackEntry(:ReturnAddress = UndoReturnAddress | _) = uncheckedConvert(backtrackEntry, getBackTrackTop()),         undoReturnAddress := UndoReturnAddress.       initialize() :-         initialize_1().       initialize().   class predicates     initialize_1 : () failure. clauses     initialize_1() :-         show("b"),         [UndoStackEntry | RestUndoStack] = undoStack,         undoStack := RestUndoStack,         BTop = getBackTrackTop(),         if uncheckedConvert(pointer, UndoStackEntry) < BTop then             initialize_1() %undo-action has been cut off         else             undoStackEntry(PtToReturnAddress, OriginalReturnAddress, Undo) == UndoStackEntry,             memory::set(PtToReturnAddress, OriginalReturnAddress),             Undo(),             fail         end if.   class predicates     registerUndoAction : (bTop, predicate Undo). clauses     registerUndoAction(BTop, Undo) :-         show("r"),         BtEntry = uncheckedConvert(backtrackEntry, BTop),         backtrackEntry(:ReturnAddress = OriginalReturnAddress | _) == BtEntry,         PtToReturnAddress = uncheckedConvert(pointerTo{returnAddress}, memory::pointerAdd(BtEntry, returnAddressOffSet)),         memory::set(PtToReturnAddress, undoReturnAddress),         undoStack := [undoStackEntry(PtToReturnAddress, OriginalReturnAddress, Undo) | undoStack].   class predicates     test : (). clauses     test() :-         show("1"),         OldMyFact = myFact,         myFact := "changed",         registerUndoAction(getBackTrackTop(), {  :- myFact := OldMyFact }),         show("2"),         fail.       test() :-         show("3").   clauses     run() :-         stdio::outputStream:allowNullPointers := true,         initialize(),         test(),         !.   end implement main
Disclaimer I don't think this is a good idea. In fact, I am almost certain that things (one or the other) will break down. Because you have broken an invariant (that some code relies on) about backtrack entries, namely that they exist on the run-time stack and is in order on that stack. Your cheating entry is far too deep in the stack. Predicates like cutBackTrack (for example) uses a stack mark to perform its actions, and with your very deep entry placed early in the stack I believe it will stop cutting too soon (cut too few entries).

Furthermore the backtrack mechanism has been updated (mentioned previously) for the next release (vip 11).
Regards Thomas Linder Puls
Martin Meyer
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Posts: 331
Joined: 14 Nov 2002 0:01

Re: Stack Inspection

Unread post by Martin Meyer »

Thanks a lot to you for correcting my code and sorry for late reply!

Of course, code injection via stack manipulation is a hack, but as far as I could see, it worked well. I made a slightly larger demo that solves the eight queens puzzle. The chess board is stored in a fact variable of object type array2B{@ItemType}. That object type is the same as array2M{@ItemType}, but it reverts its changes on backtracking:

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class btReversion     open core   predicates     initialize_mt : () multi.   predicates     addUndoAction : (predicate Undo).   end class btReversion   %---   implement btReversion     open core   domains     backtrackEntry = backtrackEntry(bTop Next, tTopP LastTTop, returnAddress ReturnAddress, handle EBP).     bTop = pointer.     tTopP = pointer.     returnAddress = pointer.   constants     returnAddressOffSet : byteOffset = sizeOfDomain(bTop) + sizeOfDomain(tTopP).   class predicates     getBackTrackTop : () -> bTop BTop language c as linknames_vipKernel::getBackTrackTop.   resolve     getBackTrackTop externally   domains     trailEntry =         trailEntry(             programControl::stackMark StackMark,             pointerTo{returnAddress} PtToReturnAddress,             returnAddress OriginalReturnAddress,             predicate Undo).   class facts     trail : trailEntry* := [].     execUndoAddress : returnAddress := erroneous.   clauses     initialize_mt() :-         backtrackEntry(:ReturnAddress = ExecUndoAddress | _) = uncheckedConvert(backtrackEntry, getBackTrackTop()),         execUndoAddress := ExecUndoAddress.       initialize_mt() :-         execUndo_fl().       initialize_mt() :-         effectReturnToOriginalAddress().   class predicates     effectReturnToOriginalAddress : () failure. clauses     effectReturnToOriginalAddress() :-         fail.   class predicates     execUndo_fl : () failure. clauses     execUndo_fl() :-         [trailEntry(StackMark, PtToReturnAddress, OriginalReturnAddress, Undo) | RestTrail] = trail,         StackMark <= programControl::getBackTrack(),         memory::set(PtToReturnAddress, OriginalReturnAddress),         trail := RestTrail,         Undo(),         execUndo_fl().   clauses     addUndoAction(Undo) :-         BTop = getBackTrackTop(),         if not(memory::isNull(BTop)) then             StackMark = programControl::getBackTrack(),             BtEntry = uncheckedConvert(backtrackEntry, BTop),             backtrackEntry(:ReturnAddress = OriginalReturnAddress | _) == BtEntry,             PtToReturnAddress = uncheckedConvert(pointerTo{returnAddress}, memory::pointerAdd(BtEntry, returnAddressOffSet)),             memory::set(PtToReturnAddress, execUndoAddress),             trail := [trailEntry(StackMark, PtToReturnAddress, OriginalReturnAddress, Undo) | trail]         end if.   end implement btReversion   %===   interface array2B{@ItemType} supports array2M{@ItemType} end interface array2B   %---   class array2B{@ItemType} : array2B{@ItemType}     open core   constructors     new : (positive SizeX, positive SizeY).   constructors     newInitialize : (positive SizeX, positive SizeY, @ItemType InitValue).   constructors     newPointer : (pointer Data, positive SizeX, positive SizeY).   end class array2B   %---   implement array2B{@ItemType}     open core, btReversion   delegate     isEmpty to ar2M,     sizeX to ar2M,     sizeY to ar2M,     tryGetFirst/0-> to ar2M,     get/1-> to ar2M,     get/2-> to ar2M,     tryGet/1-> to ar2M,     get_optional/1-> to ar2M,     get_default/2-> to ar2M,     get_defaultLazy/2-> to ar2M,     getAll_nd/0-> to ar2M,     getKey_nd/0-> to ar2M,     getValue_nd/0-> to ar2M,     upFrom_nd/1-> to ar2M,     downFrom_nd/1-> to ar2M,     getFromTo_nd/2-> to ar2M,     keyList to ar2M,     valueList to ar2M,     asList to ar2M,     contains/1 to ar2M,     createCopy/0-> to ar2M,     clone/0-> to ar2M,     clear/0 to ar2M,     tryRemoveFirst/0-> to ar2M,     removeKey/1 to ar2M,     removeKeyList/1 to ar2M,     removeKeyCollection/1 to ar2M,     remove/1 to ar2M,     removeList/1 to ar2M,     removeCollection/1 to ar2M,     presenter/0-> to ar2M   facts     ar2M : array2M{@ItemType}.   clauses     new(SizeX, SizeY) :-         ar2M := array2M::new(SizeX, SizeY).   clauses     newInitialize(SizeX, SizeY, Init) :-         ar2M := array2M::newInitialize(SizeX, SizeY, Init).   clauses     newPointer(Buffer, SizeX, SizeY) :-         ar2M := array2M::newPointer(Buffer, SizeX, SizeY).       set(X, Y, Value) :-         OldValue = ar2M:get(X, Y),         ar2M:set(X, Y, Value),         addUndoAction({  :- ar2M:set(X, Y, OldValue) }).   clauses     set(tuple(X, Y), Value) :-         set(X, Y, Value).   clauses     set_optional(tuple(X, Y), some(Value)) :-         set(X, Y, Value).       set_optional(XY, none) :-         ar2M:set_optional(XY, none). %raises exception   clauses     insert(tuple(XY, Value)) :-         set(XY, Value).   clauses     insertList(TupleList) :-         OldAr2M = ar2M:createCopy(),         ar2M:insertList(TupleList),         addUndoAction({  :- ar2M := OldAr2M }).   clauses     insertCollection(TupleCollection) :-         OldAr2M = ar2M:createCopy(),         ar2M:insertCollection(TupleCollection),         addUndoAction({  :- ar2M := OldAr2M }).   clauses     insertEnumerator(TupleEnum_nd) :-         OldAr2M = ar2M:createCopy(),         ar2M:insertEnumerator(TupleEnum_nd),         addUndoAction({  :- ar2M := OldAr2M }).   end implement array2B   %===   implement main     open core   constants     boardSize : positive = 8.   class facts     boardB : array2B{unsigned8} := array2B::new(boardSize, boardSize).     solutionCount : positive := 0.   clauses     run() :-         btReversion::initialize_mt(),         stdIO::nl(),         solve_nd(0, 0),         fail.       run() :-         stdIO::writeF("Total solutions for a %ux%u board: %u.\n", boardSize, boardSize, solutionCount).   class predicates     show : (). clauses     show() :-         stdIO::writeF("Solution %u:\n", solutionCount),         foreach Y = std::downTo(boardSize - 1, 0) do             stdIO::write(Y),             foreach X = std::fromTo(0, boardSize - 1) do                 Field = if boardB:get(X, Y) = 0 then '.' else 'Q' end if,                 stdIO::write(Field)             end foreach,             stdIO::nl()         end foreach,         stdIO::write(' '),         foreach X = std::fromTo(0, boardSize - 1) do             stdIO::write(string::getCharFromValue(string::getCharValue('a') + X))         end foreach,         stdIO::nl(),         stdIO::nl().   class predicates     solve_nd : (positive QueenX, positive QueenY) nondeterm. clauses     solve_nd(QueenX, QueenY) :-         boardB:set(QueenX, QueenY, 1),         not(canCaptureHorizontal(0, QueenX, QueenY)),         not(canCaptureDiagonal1(0, QueenX, QueenY)),         not(canCaptureDiagonal2(0, QueenX, QueenY)),         if QueenX = boardSize - 1 then             solutionCount := solutionCount + 1,             show()         else             solve_nd(QueenX + 1, 0)         end if.       solve_nd(QueenX, QueenY) :-         QueenY < boardSize - 1,         solve_nd(QueenX, QueenY + 1).   class predicates     canCaptureHorizontal : (positive N, positive QueenX, positive QueenY) determ. clauses     canCaptureHorizontal(N, QueenX, QueenY) :-         N < QueenX,         if boardB:get(N, QueenY) = 0 then             canCaptureHorizontal(N + 1, QueenX, QueenY)         end if.   class predicates     canCaptureDiagonal1 : (positive N, positive QueenX, positive QueenY) determ. clauses     canCaptureDiagonal1(N, QueenX, QueenY) :-         N < QueenX,         N < QueenY,         N1 = N + 1,         if boardB:get(QueenX - N1, QueenY - N1) = 0 then             canCaptureDiagonal1(N1, QueenX, QueenY)         end if.   class predicates     canCaptureDiagonal2 : (positive N, positive QueenX, positive QueenY) determ. clauses     canCaptureDiagonal2(N, QueenX, QueenY) :-         N < QueenX,         N1 = N + 1,         N1 < boardSize - QueenY,         if boardB:get(QueenX - N1, QueenY + N1) = 0 then             canCaptureDiagonal2(N1, QueenX, QueenY)         end if.   end implement main
By contrast with my before post I have changed the effect of cuts on the registered undo predicates. A cut will now only delay execution of undo predicates, but not skip them. That should be the same behavior as cuts had on variables of reference domains. Having that changed, I found no problem using cutBackTrack. I tested:

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class btReversion  %same as above     open core   predicates     initialize_mt : () multi.   predicates     addUndoAction : (predicate Undo).   end class btReversion   %---   implement btReversion     open core   domains     backtrackEntry = backtrackEntry(bTop Next, tTopP LastTTop, returnAddress ReturnAddress, handle EBP).     bTop = pointer.     tTopP = pointer.     returnAddress = pointer.   constants     returnAddressOffSet : byteOffset = sizeOfDomain(bTop) + sizeOfDomain(tTopP).   class predicates     getBackTrackTop : () -> bTop BTop language c as linknames_vipKernel::getBackTrackTop.   resolve     getBackTrackTop externally   domains     trailEntry =         trailEntry(             programControl::stackMark StackMark,             pointerTo{returnAddress} PtToReturnAddress,             returnAddress OriginalReturnAddress,             predicate Undo).   class facts     trail : trailEntry* := [].     execUndoAddress : returnAddress := erroneous.   clauses     initialize_mt() :-         backtrackEntry(:ReturnAddress = ExecUndoAddress | _) = uncheckedConvert(backtrackEntry, getBackTrackTop()),         execUndoAddress := ExecUndoAddress.       initialize_mt() :-         execUndo_fl().       initialize_mt() :-         effectReturnToOriginalAddress().   class predicates     effectReturnToOriginalAddress : () failure. clauses     effectReturnToOriginalAddress() :-         fail.   class predicates     execUndo_fl : () failure. clauses     execUndo_fl() :-         [trailEntry(StackMark, PtToReturnAddress, OriginalReturnAddress, Undo) | RestTrail] = trail,         StackMark <= programControl::getBackTrack(),         memory::set(PtToReturnAddress, OriginalReturnAddress),         trail := RestTrail,         Undo(),         execUndo_fl().   clauses     addUndoAction(Undo) :-         BTop = getBackTrackTop(),         if not(memory::isNull(BTop)) then             StackMark = programControl::getBackTrack(),             BtEntry = uncheckedConvert(backtrackEntry, BTop),             backtrackEntry(:ReturnAddress = OriginalReturnAddress | _) == BtEntry,             PtToReturnAddress = uncheckedConvert(pointerTo{returnAddress}, memory::pointerAdd(BtEntry, returnAddressOffSet)),             memory::set(PtToReturnAddress, execUndoAddress),             trail := [trailEntry(StackMark, PtToReturnAddress, OriginalReturnAddress, Undo) | trail]         end if.   end implement btReversion   %===   implement main     open btReversion   clauses     run() :-         btReversion::initialize_mt(),         stdIO::nl(),         test1(),         fail.       run().   class predicates     test1 : (). clauses     test1() :-         stdIO::write("1 begin\n"),         addUndoAction({  :- stdIO::write("1 undo\n") }),         StackMark = programControl::getBackTrack(),         test2(StackMark),         stdIO::write("1 fail\n"),         fail.       test1() :-         stdIO::write("1 end\n").   class predicates     test2 : (programControl::stackMark StackMark). clauses     test2(StackMark) :-         stdIO::write("2 begin\n"),         addUndoAction({  :- stdIO::write("2 undo\n") }),         test3(StackMark),         stdIO::write("2 fail\n"),         fail.       test2(_StackMark) :-         stdIO::write("2 end\n").   class predicates     test3 : (programControl::stackMark StackMark). clauses     test3(StackMark) :-         stdIO::write("3 begin\n"),         addUndoAction({  :- stdIO::write("3 undo\n") }),         programControl::cutBackTrack(StackMark), %compare output with this line outcommented         stdIO::write("3 fail\n"),         fail.       test3(_StackMark) :-         stdIO::write("3 end\n").   end implement main
With the cutBackTrack outcommented it outputs:

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1 begin 2 begin 3 begin 3 fail 3 undo 3 end 2 fail 2 undo 2 end 1 fail 1 undo 1 end
While with the cutBackTrack activated it outputs:

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1 begin 2 begin 3 begin 3 fail 3 undo 2 undo 1 undo 1 end
Three questions:

1) Do you know of an example where the cheat in btReversion does not work?

2) In case the hack does actually work reliably, will there be a way to port it to next release VIP 11 (otherwise it doesn't make sense to develop code using it)?

3) Is there a way to implement getBackTrackTop in VIP 9 (cause I am still using VIP 9)?
Regards Martin
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