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Missing rules in build 7501

Posted: 30 Jul 2015 8:53
by Peter Muraya
In version 7.4 the Project/Settings/Build Options allowed one add new new rules for building a project. Version 7.5 build 7501 does not provide this facility. I would like to use the vipLalrGen.exe to update files generated from grammar files with extension vipGrm. How can I specify this rule in version 7.5?

Posted: 31 Jul 2015 7:18
by Thomas Linder Puls
That possibility has been removed (mainly because it never really worked properly).

As an alternative (this is what I have done), you can bind the vipLalrGen as a tool (Tools -> Configure Tools...).

With my settings the tool will run on the active file (active editor, or selection in active project tree) when I press Ctrl+8.

Posted: 31 Jul 2015 8:47
by Peter Muraya
Thank you Thomas.
I tried that route and gave up for the following reasons:-

1) In my settings, after running the command associated with the parser, the screen just flickered with no indication of what was going on and no output files were generated.

2) I thought of adding the command console::readchar()=_ at the end of the compiler goal so that I could view runtime errors -- in case the compiler reported any. This made things even worse. The IDE showed that the compiler was running forever. The only way I could stop it is stop it via the Windows End Task option.

3) I tried calling the compiler from Windows command, and yes, it came back with a runtime error that Cannot create path. I did not understand this. So, I gave up.

After your response, I revisited the issue with a view to debugging case (3); I placed the complete path of my vipgrm file in the Project settings/Run options/Run arguments. That's when I discovered that the space in my file name made it look like I was supplying two input parameters rather than one. I went back and placed opening and closing quotes. Then it worked! This lead me to modify the file name attribute in Tools by delimiting it with quotes as shown in the attachment.

Posted: 31 Jul 2015 11:18
by Thomas Linder Puls
Yes, that is correct. I just never noticed any problems, because I always avoid spaces in files and paths.